Marshall, for a change I'm not in agreement with you.

Charity is just one of the criteria on which someone's "goodness" could be
judged. If the criteria were changed to, say, fighting for justice, and
giving up one's lives for that, then the non-believers might come out
leagues ahead.

Christianity too fought for justice in a big way, but maybe that was a
little short of 2000 years ago... or when the Romans pushed it to the
catacombs. There were sparks of it when Liberation Theology stood up for
the rights of the poor and against LatAm dictators, but this was literally
a counter-culture, a trend frowned upon by the Church hierarchy and most of
the conservatives that controlled the institutions.

If it comes to donating for religious causes, then perhaps Hinduism would
score high. Likewise, the Parsis, if the criteria was shifted to providing
for the poor in their own community. Or Buddhists (generally, but not all)
for being kinder to the environment and having perhaps the most 21st
century-compliant worldview encoded in their beliefs. Islam has been a
great equalizer in its time, though today it is fashionable for the West to
see the roots of all its own ills in it.

Non-believers might come out with (relatively) clean hands if they were
judged on the grounds of supporting colonialism or slavery, though they
would have other ills to account for.

But these are all shifting goalposts and based on what point we want to
prove, I guess.

Like Alain de Botton suggests [],
we all have to learn something from one another. But to use this prove the
superiority of one ideology over the other? I doubt it! FN

On 11 August 2017 at 18:59, Marshall Mendonza <> wrote:

> I have yet to hear of any prominent atheist who has done similar work
> Regards,
> Marshall

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