Frederick Noronha:
Marshall, for a change I'm not in agreement with you.

Charity is just one of the criteria on which someone's "goodness" could be
judged. If the criteria were changed to, say, fighting for justice, and
giving up one's lives for that, then the non-believers might come out
leagues ahead.


Frederick, when I see posts and articles extolling the virtues of atheism
over religion, as a student, I am eager to find information / answers to
validate the same. And unfortunately, the answers I find simply do not hold
good. I have asked in the past to name prominent atheists who have worked
among lepers like Fr Damien or Dr Ruth Pfau or Graham Staines or looked
after society rejects like the mentally and physically challenged, the old
and the infirm, HIV and AIDS patients, destitutes and generally touching
human lives. Till date I cannot find a single name. Roland did name Edhi of
Pakistan. But reading about him, I find that he does not belong to that
grouping. He was a religious man though not an overtly practising one.On
the contrary, I find that persons who subscribed to atheism committed the
greatest crimes in the last couple of centuries.

Normally when atheism is discussed it is people like Richard Dawkins, Sam
Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Hawking, Daniel Dannett and others
who are revered and quoted. Not people like Che Guevara or Charu Muzumdar
or Kanu Sanyal who did enormous work for the deprived or the downtrodden at
great cost and sacrifice. The atheists often quoted are armchair
intellectuals with no contribution to humanity.

No human being is completely bad. Everyone has good and bad in him. But
there has to be some motivation for a person to keep on doing good for very
often it is a thankless job.



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