BICHOLIM: Alert residents of Bicholim have voiced their concern over the 
irregular handling of garbage from the garbage treatment plant and have asked 
the authorities to shift the cattle from the site. 

It may be stated that the Bicholim garbage treatment plant at Lakherem was 
inaugurated in 2009 by the then urban development minister, Joaquim Alemao and 
North Goa MP, Shripad Naik. Since then it has been carrying out its work in a 
proper manner. 

Some years ago there were some issues regarding the wall that was broken and 
all the cattle were entering the site. But this wall was later repaired after 
media highlighted the issue. 

Last week when Herald visited the site they were in for a rude shock when it 
was seen that the garbage was on fire while several cattle were grazing in the 
garbage treatment plant. Inquiries revealed that such incidents are common at 
the site and mostly go unreported. 

“We have seen smoke coming out of the garbage treatment plant several times 
during the evening but never objected to it and prefer to ignore the same”, a 
resident of Lakherem said. 

Even as the residents do not find much difference in this some of the 
environmentalists and animal lovers feel that BMC should immediately stop 
burning the garbage at the site. 

“Burning of garbage and plastic at the garbage treatment site is totally banned 
and is not the right way to treat the garbage. It only leads to pollution and 
would affect the residents of the area in the long run,” said Animal Rescue 
Squad chief, Amrut Singh. 

Along with the garbage treatment plant the BMC has also made arrangements for 
keeping seized stray cattle. 

“The cattle are also seen grazing at the site which is again a problem for 
those animals. We feel that the cow shed should be shifted from the garbage 
treatment site to some other place or the BMC should give these animals to some 
gaushala and pay for their fodder. The animals could also get hurt if they fall 
in the fire and get burnt.” Amrut Singh added. 

When contacted the BMC Chairman, Satish Gaonkar said they do not burn the 
garbage at the plant. “Last week’s incident was the lone incident and the 
labourers had done it. They had put fire to the dry leaves but when we realised 
it we asked them to put it off,” Gaonkar said. 

He said that they have made a cow shed at the site and sometimes they let the 
animals loose. “On the front side of the plant there is a cow shed and we have 
proposal to build another one at the same place. Budget provision is also made 
for the same and we will employ locals to look after the cattle,” Gaonkar said. 

“We provide the cattle with fodder and water so there is no question of they 
eating the garbage. This year we will improve the facilities given to the 
cattle at the site,” Gaonkar added.

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