Who will judge the judges

 In an unprecedented move, 4 judges of the S.C have held a press conference
and gone public, The issues raised are serious in nature, medical council
of India Case, allocation of cases to select benches, equitable
distribution, streamlining  functioning of Collegium, appointment of
Judges. In fact at the press conference the former CJI was in tears due
delay of justice due to lack of appointments. Judges have opined that
democracy is in peril under present circumstances. They have stressed that
the case of death of judge Loya should have been allocated to a senior
judge and the outcome could have been different .There is insinuation that
one senior politician was discharged,  bias, and   political interference
is not ruled out., The Family of Judge Loya is suspecting foul play and
they need to be assured of a fair probe. The 7 page letter written by
credible 4 judges, in line for promotion have had no response for 2 months
and hence cannot be accused of recourse to in house remedy. These
allegations against CJI is described as mutiny, split at the top, But
judges are on record for  speaking for themselves, discharging debt to the
nation and have not accused,leveled charges against  anyone in particular,
 stating further that the administration is not in order and democracy is
in peril under present circumstances. The judges have been bold and
forthright in their utterances. The anguish of senior judges is
understandable on the need to address grave issues to be transparent,
reasonable, systematic and convey to general public that justice seem to
have been done specially in high profile cases, because in many legal cases
less than desirable outcomes have happened.

It is a question of modality though undesirable to go public, but
extraordinary circumstances demand extraordinary response. These issues
raised are serious that merit , in-depth introspection. It may have
different connotation in public perception and shaken their faith, respect
in judiciary. Internal rumblings have come to fore like never before thus
damaging credibility perhaps. There are certainly no violations of priority
in going to people’s court for solution for loss in temple of justice.
Congress wants SIT to probe Loyas mysterious death is a just demand bereft
of political mileage., BJP dismisses it as internal matter of Judiciary,
hoping it will be resolved soon. Govt. at all times have indirectly tried
to interfere indirectly to suit their personal interests, and BJP is no
different The CJI has not spoken to the press to clarify his stand if any,
as yet.

There is  a coordinated effort to run down the move of going public,
instead of capitalizing the issues raised therein and scrutinizing
dispassionately for the good of the Nation, akin to chasing the shadow
instead of concentrating on the substantive points, The debate must address
the pints raised instead of gunning for the judges for their bold stand

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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