Marshall, no need to get on your high horse.

“Objectivity is a search for the truth despite the conclusions that come from 
it” said the late Christopher Hitchens who personally visited the Ashram in 
Calcutta of the Missionaries of Charity and is the commentator in this video.

Many credible Indians too have made similar allegations about the Charity. You 
will find them on easy reference.

I am ready to apologize for repeating an allegation that already exists in the 
public domain about the lack of financial transparency of the Sisters, if you 
provide evidence that this is not so. An annual statement of their operations 
will do for this purpose.

Few deny that nuns doing charitable work provide “yeoman service”. However, you 
will also find few people who have not experienced their hard nose for money. 

In my previous posts I have been even-handed about the alleged baby 
trafficking. Read those posts again. However, if you want me to give 
unqualified support to the Missionaries of Charity, I will await the outcome of 
the inquiry before I do that.

Roland Francis

> On Jul 19, 2018, at 5:38 AM, Marshall Mendonza <> wrote:
> Roland,
> At the outset, I have intentionally changed the Bye-line adding the word
> 'alleged' since that is a factual position.
> I do not know whether you have worked in a supervisory position or have
> been self-employed. Anyone who has worked in a supervisory position works
> on trust of his subordinates. It is difficult to micromanage every action.
> Hence there is always a risk of something going awry for which the buck
> stops at the supervisor. In the instant case, based on available
> information, this is what happened. It is always easy to comment on
> hindsight but difficult to predict what each subordinate is capable of
> doing. The helper was working with the Missionaries since 2012 and
> obviously earned their trust. That she betrayed the trust or was used in a
> set-up will be known in due course.
> Your remaining comments flow from ignorance of ground realities. Things do
> not work here as in Canada. One is always at the mercy of the authorities
> who do not give acknowledgements, search without warrants, take signatures
> on blank sheets of paper, coerce and torture those in custody to give
> confessional statements, manipulate documents, threaten witnesses and so on.
> I was saddened by your following remarks-
> "There is a valid criticism from even sympathetic secular sources that
> there is no transparency in the receiving and disbursement of funds from
> international charities and other sources. That only 7% of the money is
> retained for use by MofC for its work and that a large chunk of the
> remainder is first sent to the Vatican.
> I have no idea where that figure comes from. I am just repeating the
> allegation. Whether unfounded or not the Missionaries of Charity hold the
> power to make known the truth although I have strong doubts they will ever
> do so."
> It is unfortunate that you give greater credence to unsubstantiated
> allegations than the track record of over 50 years of a congregation who
> have rendered yeoman service not only in India but all over the world ,
> some in extremely difficult circumstances like Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Your
> insinuation that funds are laundered breaking all laws is in my humble view
> very inappropriate and as a gentleman I would expect you to withdraw this
> remark and apologise.
> Regards,
> Marshall

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