
I am amazed at your turning legal jurisprudence upside down. In legal
jurisprudence a person is considered innocent unless PROVEN guilty. And
here you are proclaiming a person/ institution guilty unless proven
innocent. That too on baseless, unsubstantiated allegations.

Your response is like rubbing salt into raw wounds when you once again
insinuate that the accounts of the Missionaries of Charity are colourable
or suspect. For your kind information the accounts are audited and filed
with the Income Tax, Charity Commissioner, and the govt FCRA dept. All
receipts come in through banking channels and the banks file regular
reports with the govt.

The allegations you have made and repeated have not even been made by a
hostile government. They are definitely over the top and absolutely

If you sincerely desire to know the facts, you can easily file an RTI
application and you will be provided with the information and documents. An
RTI application costs only Rs 100. Your sincerity is now put to the test.

So far as criticism of St Mother Teresa or her work is concerned, I have no
problem. In a free world where everyone is entitled to their opinions or
views, even the nutcases, I have no issues.  Armchair critics come a dime a
dozen. As one who has seen, witnessed and experienced the holiness and work
of St Mother Teresa, I speak from personal conviction. The day her critics
clean the maggot infested wounds of a destitute, or tend to leprosy
patients or provide love and affection to the severely mentally and
physically challenged, or provide care and warmth to abandoned babies that
is the day, I will give some credence to the critics.

I have high regard and respect for you and consider you a gentleman. I
would request you to ruminate over what you have written and if convinced
that you have acted unfairly do the decent thing and withdraw your
unsubstantiated allegations and apologise.

We need to make the world a better place and not vitiate the atmosphere.

No hard feelings.



*I am ready to apologize for repeating an allegation that already exists in
the public domain about the lack of financial transparency of the Sisters,
if you provide evidence that this is not so. An annual statement of their
operations will do for this purpose.Few deny that nuns doing charitable
work provide ?yeoman service?. However, you will also find few people who
have not experienced their hard nose for money. In my previous posts I have
been even-handed about the alleged baby trafficking. Read those posts
again. However, if you want me to give unqualified support to the
Missionaries of Charity, I will await the outcome of the inquiry before I
do that.Roland FrancisToronto. *

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