Rafale scam:
1. Purchase price for each aircraft increased from Rs 526 mn/ aircraft to a
whopping Rs 1611mn/ aircraft
2. Collaboration removed from HAL a govt company and given to Anil Ambani
with zero experience and track record.
3. Agreement shrouded in secrecy. Govt resisting disclosure of commercial
Other scams:
4. Contribution to political parties act amended permitting donations
through anonymous bonds. In 2017 BJP received Rs 290.92 crores out of total
donations of Rs 325.27 crores received by all parties ie. 89%
5. BJP built a swanky office in Delhi at an estimated cost of Rs 1100
crores in only 4 years of being in power.
6. No appointment of Lok Pal, CIC, judges. CBI, EC and other regulatory
authorities packed with loyal officers. All allegations of corruption
stymied at every stage.
7. GSPC scam of over Rs 20000 crores


2G spectrum Verdict: No proof of scam, says Court.




*BJP rule may not mean a sea change in the Indian landscape, but there has
been some control in the scams which were much more frequent affairs in
previous regimes.*

*Roland *

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