Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas is the official spokesperson of tge CBCI, white 
Sunuta is spokesperson for the Missionaries. 
In the context of Arnab's manner of conducting debates, it is always a shouting 
match. He overspeaks over others or never gives hus panellists time enough to 
express their opinions. Seems he comes with an agenda. He has been a 
loudspeaker for the BJP, and the BJP has oroved to be an anti-minority party. 
Republic TV is partly owned by a BJP MP. 
The CBCI bas already issued a press statement and it's a restrained one, both 
in language and tone. On TV, Sunita shiwed herself as a refined person. It was 
not for herbto fight back in sound and furuy against a known bombastic anchor. 
i have seen reasoned and passionate arguments by the regular TV panellist, John 
Datay, former president of the All-India Catholic Forum, and secretary-general 
of the All-India Christian Forum, being dished out by Arnab. One must watch the 
sane media channels as they conduct debates in an exemplary way. Unfortunately, 
Indian media is under pressure today.
The Missionary case is unravelling. Caution is the order of the day. Its 
troubling times for minorities in India. Hopefully, bad times will roll by. 


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> On Jul 21, 2018, at 10:46 PM, Roland Francis <> wrote:
> Arnab Goswami who earned his spurs at Times Now, got famous and then 
> notorious, crossed several lines and ultimately had to part ways to form his 
> own TV station, has a brash and aggressive manner and tactics that would make 
> him unfit for credibility. Which is not to say he cannot drive home a point 
> he wants to make.
> You pit a docile, dummy of a spokeswoman against him on TV, specially one 
> like Sunita Kumar who has not taken stock of the facts or is not trained for 
> the rough and tumble of the media arena and you get a slaughter like you see 
> on this clip.
> What are the Missionaries of Charity, or the big guns of the Indian Catholic 
> Church doing? Sleeping?
> Or is it they have no case at all, like the other dummy Bishop Theodore 
> Mascarenhas who is equally dumbfounding in his defence of the Missionaries of 
> Charity.
> High time the Church in India builds up a professional media team that 
> reflects in modern times all the work they do that benefits the people around 
> them.
> Not enough to silently work expecting God will be on your side when the fit 
> hits the shan.
> Roland.

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