Arnab Goswami's shows resemble the old Roman amphitheatre where slaves were
left to fight with hungry lions, with the addition of having their hands
tied behind their backs. It is a shouting match where the outcome is
decided beforehand, the dice is loaded against you, and facts and the truth
are not sacred. Only the panelists whom Arnab favours are allowed to speak,
the others are shouted down and browbeaten. This show is only watched by
those whose baser instincts are aroused. A substitution for the old arena
where slaves were brutally torn apart to the joy and ecstacy of the

Most sensible, decent and respectable people give his shows a miss. So do
many panelists. I do not know why Mrs Sunita Kumar (she is the wife of
Naresh Kumar former Davis Cup captain, and long time associate of St Mother
Teresa) and Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, a very effective spokesman with
great clarity of thought and communication skills accepted to be on the
show. Perhaps they did not want Arnab to have a free hand to say and do
what he wanted by default without a response, despite the odds ranged
against them.

Life is not a short term affair. Fighting untruths, injustice and violence
is a long term affair. That is why Christianity has survived in most
adverse conditions for more than 2000 years despite persecution through the



*Arnab Goswami who earned his spurs at Times Now, got famous and then
notorious, crossed several lines and ultimately had to part ways to form
his own TV station, has a brash and aggressive manner and tactics that
would make him unfit for credibility. Which is not to say he cannot drive
home a point he wants to make.*

*You pit a docile, dummy of a spokeswoman against him on TV, specially one
like Sunita Kumar who has not taken stock of the facts or is not trained
for the rough and tumble of the media arena and you get a slaughter like
you see on this clip. *
*Roland. *

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