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FN 1:  Dear CA Bhandare, As far as I can comprehend, you're the other
side of the JC coin. Both of you guys are simply trying to prove that
"your religion/tradition/culture is worse than mine"... so I don't
think either of you'll deserve any sympathy :-)

FN 2:  Reality is more complex. I think all our
religions/traditions/cultures contain things to be proud of, and
things to be ashamed of, within them. We need to work to reform the
negative things on our own side of the fence, instead of criticising
others and feeling morally superior!

JC's response:

It is either that Frederick Noronha cannot comprehend simple English
or he knows little about coins (probably deals only in notes). On a
personal note, I am NOT looking for any sympathy for me or my views
from Frederick Noronha. If I may say so, He has consistently
misrepresented (albeit negligently) my view point on (inter alia)

Let me for the sake of clarity state very clearly - some of my
beliefs. If you believe I am wrong - please do correct me. These are
the same views I have espoused since I first started writing on GoaNet
circa 1996.

1.  EVERY single religion (except perhaps Buddhism) has been hijacked
to oppress the less fortunate.

2.  Religion is a private matter. It has no business in (public) political 

3.  Those who are forced to convert are NOT converted.

4.  Those who convert because of convenience, are opportunists.

5.  Those who convert to escape the oppressiveness of their religion -
are freed former slaves.

6.  No matter what a person's religious beilef or nonbelief is - ALL
men and women are equal.

7.  Colonialism as an abomination.

8.  The Caste System is the first known (to me) form of Colonialism.

9.  Those who believe otherwise - need to live in the midst of the
oppressed - as I have ..in my formative years

10. To my knowledge, the Caste System did NOT arrive in Goa post-1961.

11. Colonialism did not arrive in Goa either in 1961 or in 1510. It
arrived several hundred years earlier.

12. ALL forms of violence are abhorrent.

13. The Devadasi System institutionalises Child Abuse. It is a form of
violence best described as religiously sanctioned Gang Rape which
persists atleast until another sex-slave is found.

14. Those who have sexually abused others under the official cover of
being considered a priest, imam or pandit, are a disgrace. Those who
condone such acts are accessories to a violent crime.

15. Those US Catholics who spoke maliciously of me - behind my back
(or so they thought) - because of my criticism of their silence in the
face of the abuse scandal - I am grateful to them for that ill will.

16. The burning at the stake during the Inquisition is a crime of
violence. It is just as nasty a crime as the burning at Sati and the
dowry burning deaths. In ALL these crimes - the hapless victims were
left helpless.

17. Those who state that St Francis Xavier called for an Inquisition
are correct. They now need to verify against WHOM the Inquisition was
called for by St Francis Xavier and WHY.

18. I disagree with Selma Carvalho that St Francis Xavier should be
treated lightly because "he lived at a different time". However, ALL
the facts of the matter need to be verified before St Francis Xavier
is vilified for the events which happened at the Inquisition in Goa
(which commenced 9 years after SFX's death). It is my personal belief
that those who detest St Francis Xavier without fully studying the
life of St Francis Xavier for themselves are just as
bigoted as those who want  to ban the  Da Vinci Code without seeing it

19. In the two major fields of my study, I have come to realise that
before one makes a decision, one must try understand ALL the available
facts of the case. The position wrt all the available facts is that
One Knows, Ought to Know or is Negligent by NOT bothering to Know the
facts before taking a decision.

20. I remain thankful to the Portuguese for at least ONE thing they
did i.e. abolishing Sati by decree. That decree has saved thousands of
Goan women who would have been sent to their burning end.  Shame on
Portuguese for not saving the Jews, Muslims and others in Goa from the
fires of the Inquisition. (Do notice the priority I have given to the
Jews and Muslims in the preceding sentence)

21. Whenever I hear of or read about WHY some people were/are
executed/killed/burnt alive/imprisoned etc, I ask myself if any of the
following was involved:

a: Hatred towards the other( as in Mahatma Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi,
Martin Luther King)
b: Intolerance of the other's view point (as in Inquisition)
c: Concern for the Common Property which might pass to another (as in Sati)
d: Taking out rivals (Inquisition)
e: The person executed knew too much (Bhutto)

I am sure you have others to add to this list, and I hope you will.

With regard to Frederick Noronha's second point (FN 2 above), I agree
with him absolutely.

I certainly pray for peace. I hope you do too.



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