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The Order of the Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic 
fraternal service organisation, lobbying by this organisation led to the 
inclusion of the phrase 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance of the USA.

It is named after Christopher Columbus, whose 'discovery' of America paved 
way for the subsequent genocide of Native Americans.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_Columbus

St. Columba was also apparently a mass murder, but trivial matters like 
these are not important to the cannonisation process of the Church if mass 
murder is followed by mass conversions.

[quote]Diarmuid was defeated at Cuildreimhne, Co. Sligo and Columba was 
blamed for the hundreds of dead. When a synod called on him to make amends 
by converting an equal number of pagans, he opted to work among the Picts of 
Scotland.[end of quote]


Sunith Velho

>As to your last sentence, I cannot think what you're
>saying. Perhaps you mean Knights of St Columba. Please
>and further, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Columba.

>I see no references of this monk being a mass

>Gabriel de Figueiredo 

  • Re: [... Sunith Velho
    • ... Carvalho
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फरॆडरीक नोरोनया
    • ... eric pinto
    • ... C. A. Bhandare
    • ... Kevin Saldanha
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence
    • ... Kevin Saldanha
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence

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