
You seemed to have missed one crucial point. 

Parishioners who saw priests abuse children reported the same to the church 
authorities. The church authorities did nothing to help the kids. All they were 
interested in, was protecting themselves.

Secondly, it seems that every time I go to church nowadays, there is a second 
collection for the "Bishop's needs." These collections are for substantial 
amounts. The Catholic church will never go bankrupt. The Lord will not allow 
that to happen.


George Pinto wrote:
“The other side of that coin, is the Vatican knows any admission of legal guilt 
is grounds for the many legal cases filed in the USA to end in huge monetary 
judgments which will bankrupt the Church. The Pope knows that and that is why 
every response he gives in this matter is careful about admitting moral guilt 
but not legal guilt. There is NO ONE on this planet who can thread the fine 
line the Pope has to take if he wants to avoid bankrupting the Catholic Church 
especially through USA courts (put yourself in the Pope's shoes and see what 
great solution you can come up with given your Papal responsibility)”.


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