Well said George!!!



*Roland, you have not put on your Papal hat. You are thinking like a good
moral person but not like the Pope in these circumstances. Never mind that
this Pope (or any Pope) does not want to be remembered as the Pope who
presided over the Church's bankruptcy and his self-interest in not wanting
to be part of that outcome. Never mind too that he might be upset his
Papacy is consumed by this issue - the rape of children by male clergy,
none of which was his doing. He is Pope for all the "flock" of 1.2
billion.?Think like a Pope. You want to do the right thing, but you do not
want 1.2 billion people to pay for the sins of a few, especially due to USA
courts where the financial judgments can bankrupt your church. You know
that if bankruptcy occurs, you need to sell your Catholic schools and
hospitals who millions around the world depend on (even the anti-Catholic
brigade hypocritically use Catholic schools and hospitals). You also have
to sell parishes too, to pay the sex abuse claims. On the one hand, you
want the animals who committed these crimes (and those who covered for
them) to pay the price and give financial restitution to the innocent
victims. On the other hand you do not want an entire institution to pay the
price for less than 2% of priests who are guilty.? And you realize there
are powerful forces who want to end religion and will use any issue (in
this case the rape of children) towards their goals, some of whom could not
care less about the rape of children but are committed t*

*o their anti-religion agenda.Keep thinking ... and while you are at it, a
bonus? - put on your Theresa May Brexit hat and figure out a solution.? So
many think the answers are easy.George  *

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