This is history as I know it:

Goan Archives Project (GAP) became...

-- Goan Archives Canada Inc. A registered non-profit. They did projects including:
1) Created a Board of Directors. Sadly with no bylaws or elections
2) Be part of the Objects of Memory evening with PAMA (Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives) 3) Collected fund donations and items from the community, and had an accessions afternoon where volunteers indexed as catalogued many of the items 4) Catalogued and donated a subset of the items collected (12 boxes) to PAMA
6) Attended one of PAMA's Family Day celebrations as volunteers
7) Created a printed Report to the Community (I)
8) Tried to solicit funds from the clubs which, due to mishandling of the meetings, ended up in a diplomatic disaster 9) The group had internal fights to the point of break-up (re: release and format translation of archive material, namely videos of Convention 1988 held by one of the Directors) 10) Went dormant for 5-6 years with no meetings, while still filing year-end statements 11) JJD filed second printed Report to the Community (II) to use some of the funds which had remained untouched (printing was done at minimal cost as one of the directors was involve in the printing trade) editorial work was done largely independently by JJD 12) JJD created a side-show about 1-2 years later... presented this to the GGG (Goan Cultural Group at Sq1, the predecessor of the Active Goan Adults and I believe he may of did with the GTA55Plus too) 13) After meeting via my Book Stall, JJD and MP independently encouraged me to develop a Strategic Plan for the Archives (at this point I had no idea of the organizations history. And slowly through my conversations the story came out). After research, writing, and revision, I developed a document: Goan Archives of Canada Inc. The Road Ahead 14) I had a presentation of the Road Ahead Plan with select members of the Executive Team at the GCG. At this meeting they asked for additions to the plan. This was pressing period as I was told, 2-3 Directors had close to terminal illness ( the time JJD was not on this list) 15) I had a second presentation of the Road Ahead Plan with the Executive Team at MP's House. All the Directors were invited, only two attended, JJD and the President. 16) In the summer of that year, I suggested a lunch meeting for the Directors. Most attended. I suggested, since the group had not met for now for 7-plus years, they had not held elections, had not worked on projects, and were not talking, and that they set up a Interim Board to transition the organization. They asked me for names. I spend time making calls to the broader Goan Community and collecting names. I also spoke to PAMA, without details, and visited the 12-box collection for the first time (...good God, I was sadly disappointed. The collection was disjointed and filled with vernacular material and ephemera. I was expecting so much more!) 17) I was invited to a Goan Archives of Canada Inc. Board meeting in Scarborough. As the Executive was indicating that the wanted a next step, I assumed this would be a meeting to transition to a Temp Board. At this meeting, after some discussion, the Board lead by the President, officially voted to shut the organization down. The Resolution says something like: '...since the Goan Community has no interest in this organization, we are shutting it down.' I have a written record of the minutes (I publicly audio-taped the meeting for archival purposes and due to the fact that some of the people at the table including MP were hard of hearing. JJD taped the event too). I have also have photo of the resolution and vote. JJD was the only dissenting vote (ie NO to shutting down). The decision was made well before Directors entered the room. I found out later that all the Directors were largely friends since high school and they remained lifelong chums. I got the impression that, they had no concept of what a non-profit organization is and why and Archive is important for a Community. It was their personal project and maybe mostly JJD's project

-- Goa Book Stall
1) I have been importing and selling books from Goa, largely from the publisher Goa1556. My stall is set up at community events, Viva Goa, Taste of Konkan, WestEnd Seniors, GCG, TEGSA. over the last 5-6 years. This is largely where I got to know JJD and learned about the Archives Organization. I had no idea they existed. As some point he passed me documents and the reports and asked me to make and an assessment. 2) JJD was at every event and spent much time at the stall. This was good for me, as the work is a 12-hour day and having someone cover even for a short time was a welcome relief. Pee don't wait. Over the course of the many events we had long and great conversations. I had lots of questions about the British East Africa and his early days in England. 3) This is also where I met MP (Maurice Pinto). MP was instrumental in getting the Goan Archives Canada last few Board meetings going. He was not a Board Member and he was not well at the time. He wanted me to carry and sell the Reports (I and II) the Archives had printed. I broke it to him, no one is going to be paying for report. 4) MP spent lots of time to convince me to help the Archive Team and then sent me copies of his personal biography and an extra copy of a book on African Goan to convince me that there was some depth to the community. I e-mailed the draft plan I had created as an part of the assessment. He then got the Board to meet to start the process moving again (they had not for 5-7 years. Above).

-- Goan Cultural Archives
1) JJD continued with his work for the next 2-3 years until this untimely passing. He started writing few short reports. He called this the Goan Cultural Archives. The project names were confusing, maybe purposefully so on his part. 2) He also presented his work in progress at, the Taste of Konkan 2018, 30-Anniversary of the Convention Event, and a the Professors Talk at Sq1 3) For the last year or two he told me he is re-organizing his documents and his collection 4) I sent him a list of the stuff I have (largely earlier Canorient stuff). I was the publisher of the Canorient Contact for 7-years and have all the issues I published)...I showed him early interviews of author BA, and photos of the national conventions, etc. Of course, I was a kid then and only kept minimal stuff

-- Goan Voice Canada
1) I helped JJD collect a Digital Archive (scrape) of this own as he was having a huge fight with the people in Goa to get his material back 2) I was shocked to hear he later decided to shut this effort down. I told him was the very kind of thing he should be doing, as its easy once per week stuff. It’s perfect for a retired man. It would be easy if did not use the long convoluted process of depending on Goa

-- GCG (Goan Cultural Group)
1) After our initial meeting, JJD invited me to attend numerous events at the Goan Cultural Group (GCG) that included Goan content including: Goan Authors reading (3), Goan Professor visits (2), Konkani Class (2), Goan Pilgrimage (1), many many more etc. I him sent photos for this collection. 2) When the GCG decided to drop the 'Goan Cultural' past of their mandate and name and become the 'Active Goan Adults' ...we never talked about this, but I think the shift in direction must of been a bit of a blow... 3) Beta Project: We did one Project of as a test of oral history exercise. This work later appeared on JJD, JR, and I recorded an interview of two GCG Members, WM and AV. The object of the exercise was to test the team’s ability to capture oral history in a systematic and professional manner. Background work included, research interviews, editing questions, photos day of event, interview, editing, etc. We had lots of fun doing this 4) We were taking about the oral history interview session at least for 6-9 months before it happened. It was majorly frustrating. I then created a fully designed page with Draft Goan Archives of Canada logo to show the quality of work that should be done. The point to JJD was: 'Content without design' is as bad as, 'design without content.' Both need to be done if he wanted people, specialty young people, to widely accept the work he was trying to do. 5) JJD asked to retake an interview with RB who missed the first session. This was done a year later and the interview will be published soon. JJD had found a new copy of the minutes of the first GOA Toronto meeting...the session started from there. I have photos and audio tape. JJD has duplicates.

1) I created as a kind of mock up of the kind of work that JJD could be doing. JJD got me hooked to write more. I was largely a designer, but during this time was hired freelance by the Malton Compass Newspaper, run by the Malton BIA (Business Improvement Association) to create content. I now publish articles about the community when on the site at a leisurely pace. The discipline has improved my writing. 2) really largely created in the process of me testing CMS (content management systems). As a designer, I was and continue to test Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. I have have clients that are running WordPress. If a client wants a new feature, I install it on goaculturelist and then test it well before making recommendations. Features like, content directories, calendars, google apls, etc, are all tested here. 3) I actually now find it fun to add create and content. It would not of happen if JJD did not inspire me to do it and develop these skills

-- Email and Coffee Shop Conversations
1) JJD sent me 645 e-mails between 2014 and March 2019. I just counted. I replied to almost all. Few years ago, during the winter, when he found out I write material or code after supper in a Brampton Coffee Shop (THs) he decided to drop in on a regular basis 2) He was intrigued that I was all of the following: a past Museum Board Director, Director of Volunteers, Museum Marketing Committee chair, studied museum and non-profit development, studied communication design and art history, was a graphic designer, web designer, photographer (Nikon), read books about Goa, was on GoaNet since day one, published the Contact for the Canorient, knew much of the history of the Goan community in Canada, project managed large events, wrote strategic plans, and marketing plans for companies, crafted grant proposals, wrote for the local newspaper and marketing material, was on the advisory committee of a community development project...and ran a Business Incubator for a number of years. He had lots of questions about IT, publishing software, video and audio recording, servers, etc.

I was very interest to learn about JJD's take on Goan history and our development and progress in Canada, and why he had the great interest in activity of the archivist. 'People are entitled to opinion. They even have the right to change their opinion,' he would say, 'But they are not entitled to versions of facts.

I would reply, 'Facts, our facts, are a good and solid foundation for community development.'

I have not covered in these notes the following specific projects over the last few years that that directly relate to the JJD's Archives Initiative:

-- Organization meetings for the Seniors Town Hall Meeting (4)
-- Seniors Town Hall Meeting (at Meadowvale Community Centre) (full afternoon)
-- Canada 150 Project. Grant meetings with GTA55Plus (1)
-- Invitation of authors who wrote novels immersed in Goan history (3)
-- Konkan Evott  (4-meetings, VA as team leader. Project dissipated)
-- 30 Anniversary of Goan Convention 1988 (GOA Event)
-- Documentation of Konkani Rosary Project (With Winnipeg and VD in Mississauga) -- Presentation of Community Origins Binder to St Augustine Fathers at Shrine at Marylake (with JR in King City) -- Development of Creative Writing Workshop for Seniors (10-week course outline developed. Marketing material and electronic registration published. 5-people registered) -- Creative Drawing Instruction. (We did a memory drawing project with the GCG Seniors. It was well received) -- Planned interview of Msr T D'Souza (Faded too quickly. MR did get an interview, but it was not on tape)
-- Restart of Toronto Goan Literary Society (proposal)

Each would require a list like above. I have the details in my notes.

There is a pressing need to build an institution in Canada that will solely focus on keeping collections of Goan Community Information alive and accessible for future generations (...Let me give you a single and immediate example, the 300 radio shows from Toronto's Radio Mango will soon be lost forever)

I'm fully prepared to follow through on the Road Ahead Plan, restart the organization, complete down to the finance, operations, marketing and organization development, and make it’s something I do.

ANYBODY open to doing this or any other Community Development Project please feel free to contact me directly...

In the long history of humankind and animal kind too, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed, said Charles Darwin

Nature abhors a vacuum.

Step up to the challenge.

I wrote previously:
He parked himself at my Goan Books Stall at community events and we had hours long chats...His hobby was learning and reading. He struggled to comprehend some of the smallness he found. He inspired me to do more research, to write and pick up documentary skills...

I will add:
JJD worked hard. He put construction above destruction. For all his small faults, he was a good guy at heart. And I'm glad to have had him as a friend.

Albert Peres
416.660.0847 cell

--- On 27/03/2019 2:21 p.m., Eugene Correia wrote: ---

>The photo may be of the time when the Goan Archives Project (GAP) was launched in 2007. GAP became GAC (Goan Archives Canada). It seems now there's no gap but vacuum...
> Sent from my iPad

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