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This is coming up for discussion once again at the next gram sabha
meeting. Your comments and insights would be helpful. FN

Saligao panchayat accounts 2007-2008


Closing of the last year     471,200.68

Grants from government       232,500.00
  For salaries
  to sarpancha
  and VP members 142,500.00
  For staff
  salaries        90,000.00

Other grants
  SGRY grants     55,000.00

Proceeds from taxes, fees etc
under Sec 153 of the Act

House tax        154,460.00
Light tax         11,268.00
Bicycle tax           60.00
Sign board tax     1,060.00
Professional tax  32,750.00  199,601.00

RBD fees           1,177.00
Certificate fees   9,090.00
NOC fees (comm.)   4,800.00
Certified copies     616.00
Const lic fees    57,950.00   73,633.00

Proceeds of other loans etc   Nil

Sale proceeds
Tender forms                   1,300.00

Extraordinary receipts
Rent of tel exch 15,600
Rent of BoI     236,250
Elect Dept        4,992
Rent of pharmacy  7,800
Rent: tailorshop  1,612
Bank interest    11,714
Sales tax         3,476
Royalty           1,325
Sec deposits     17,376
EMD               9,918
Income tax        4,635
Rent of shop      8,900
Rent of bay       1,300
Hall hire charges 3,850
Chair hire charge 1,610
Sale of scrap     4,000
Penalty           5,538
Short                32


TOTAL RECEIPTS               913,660.00

GRAND TOTAL                 1384,860.00



Salaries: staff 177,097
Salaries: sarp
and members     142,500
Boms [?]          6,134
Stationary       26,047
Postage             500
Telephone bill    3,319
Light bill        4,084
Water bill          720
Trav allowance    1,790
Computer instaln 23,383
Xerox              3982
Furniture          6145
Book binding       1250
Maintenance        6600
Refreshments       2015
Announcements      2600
Typewriter          740
Litigation       81,351

Disposal of
dead body           500
Garbage disposal  1,500

Public works
Elect material   31,462
Desilting nalla  19,350
roads           324,889
Ext of street
lights            4,125
Cutting of trees 15,850
Minor repairs     6,550
RDA works       117,552

Planning and development

Social welfare
Financial asst   21,700  21,700.00

Education and culture
Illumination on
national days     2,500
Cultural activ    3,500
Newspapers bill   2,273
Scholarship         500   8,773.47

Rural housing             Nil

Drinking water            Nil

Poverty alleviation       Nil

Libraries                 Nil

Rural sanitation          Nil

Constr and maintenance
of slaughter house
and cattle ponds
(temporary)             15,500.00

Refund of EMD  7,516
Sec deposits  30,068
Income tax     4,635
Royalty        2,191
Sales tax      1,676
TDS deduction 48,200
Other: misc    7,985
Advt          11,040
Refund of
tender forms   8,000   937,540.00

Closing balance        447,320.00
GRAND TOTAL           1384,860.00


FN: Frederick Noronha
Phone 0091-832-2409490

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