GL responds:
In the UK and likely elsewhere in the diaspora, the 400 percent Goans meet the 
cent-per-cent Goans.  But likely neither of them know the history or geography 
etc., of Goa beyond their own village.
Every Goan group will have its fidalgos.
Regards, GL
From: Sonia Gomes

There seems to be an ongoing battle between the Africanders and the new 
entrants the European Union Goans who have recently moved to London in search 
of a better living.

Sadly instead of celebrating the much spoken about Goaness or Goemkarpon, the 
Africanders are extremely unhappy at the arrival of the EU Goans.

The Africanders claim to be Goans; one even said to me I am a 400% Goan. Of 
course I said we could now speak Konkani...  
The EU Goans on the other hand embrace their Goemkarpon without even being 
aware that there is something called Goemkarpon or Goaness, they are Goans.  
Their life reflects Goa in every aspect of their being.  Not for them the 
duality of being neither Goan nor British.

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