The statement in the Goa Legislative Assembly by Chief Minister Pramod
Sawant that he had once requested the then Environment Minister Alina
Saldanha to see whether a boy from his constituency could be selected for a
peon’s post that was advertised, only exposes how rotten and corrupt the
selection process for government jobs has become.

Any political interference and manipulation in the selection of government
employees is unacceptable it being very unlawful. Infact the selection,
promotion and transfer of all government employees should be totally
insulated from any political machinations whatsoever.It should be all
strictly on merit and merit alone should be the sole criteria in the
selection and appointment of every government employee to any post.Infact
Ministers and MLAs should have no say whatsoever in the recruitment process
and it should be left to the heads of the concerned departments to select
their required manpower strictly on merit.

After the BJP came to power in 2012 we have seen in Goa thousands being
brazenly recruited into government service with merit thrown to the winds.
It has been a deceitful attempt to create a vote bank while almost all jobs
have been dished away to those without merit. Infact an official note used
to go out from the Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar’s office to all ruling
party MLAs asking them to recommend names of candidates for the posts
advertised. All this is reflecting in the functioning of the government
offices with very incompetent staff having managed to creep in with the
blessings of their political god fathers.The direct result of employing WHO

Ironically with crores of rupees being drained on E-Governance the
bureaucracy should have shrunk but has infact been bloating by the day
while only further screwing an already depleted State exchequer.

This would be a fit case for our High Court to take Suo motu cognizance and
order a probe into the absolutely illegal manner of politically
orchestrated recruitment and to ensure that the whole process is very
transparent so that only the best and brightest end up in government
service to serve the public.

The Civil or public service must always be of the highest caliber and must
always be independent of the government, defending its neutrality and
impartiality and not used or abused according to the whims of the
government. This is vital for good governance if the public who are the
real paymasters are to have any faith and trust in the civil service and
feel that they are getting value for money and a good return on their hard
earned taxes.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




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