Dear Advocate Rodrigues:

I am responding to your contribution in GOANET ISSUE no 370 on Sunday 15

I have admired your stamina and consistent fight against corruption . I
hope one of these days when I come to Goa, I will stop by Ribandar.  My
Taxi driver from Quepem has his family there. My purpose for writing to you
are two fold because as you state

*Quote *St. John the Baptist (Sao Joao) rightly referred to such bandits as
a Brood of Vipers in condemnation of such evil acts against the people
by hypocrites
in power.

The prophetic words of St Francis Xavier still ring true: Goa ninguem
levar? mas por si acabara (no one will take Goa, but it will be finished by
itself).*End Quote*

I have been praying to St John for some time.  Lo behold my prayers were
answered.  In Washington DC, the rain in one hour was the equivalent to a
whole year of rainfall. Cars were floating. That  mansion of the Chief
Politician in Trumpet land known as :” White House” did not escape the
wrath…..the archives were saved in the nick of time.

Therefore please do not pay attention to cynics, even if it  happens that
the  learned Professor is a Goan.


Adolfo Mascarenhas

(Professor Emeritus Working on Use of Knowledge for Disaster & Social

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