Contrary to the views expressed by you the facts and ground realities speak
otherwise. Despite reservations for nearly 70 years, the dalits are still
at the bottom of the heap - socially, educationally and economically. Again
contrary to the propaganda that is dished out it is untrue that
inefficiency and corruption are due to reservations. There is no empirical
data to support this contention. The civil services are still dominated by
the forward castes. There is no SC IAS officer among the top 149 posts.

No SC candidate has been elevated to the SC in the last 7 years. (one has
been elevated just a few days back). Read;

Only 10 SC/ST members were inducted into the Union Cabinet out of 58 and
most of them were given insignificant portfolios or junior positions.
Forward castes bagged most of the positions and influential portfolios.

Atrocities, crime and violence against ST/SC persons increased
exponentially over the last 5 years. Read :

In higher education it is money that makes the mare go. Persons from
wealthy homes get admission to medical colleges despite getting poor scores
like 10, 5, 20 . Read :

The main reason for forward castes castes clamouring for reservations is
due to the poor economy. No jobs have been created in the past 5 years. In
fact millions lost their jobs due to the foolish act of demonetisation.
Unemployment has reached its highest level in 45 years. Read :

Jats, Marathas, Gujjars all forward castes now want government jobs. Once
again it is a double whammy for the SC/ST as a large number of posts
reserved for them are not being filled up. Only the lowest posts that of
sweepers and scavengers are filled up. And none of the forward castes are
interested in these positions.


Marshall Mendonza

*Roland Francis:*
*Already the standards of the Civil Service elite are a telling indication
and result of reservations. Constant political intimidation deters even
their comforts of high compensation and the fear of constant transfers
haunts the careers of those with guts and pluck. To remain honest and
upright, they have to be willing to remain single or live away from their
families in remote punishment postings. *

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