Tremendous ironies abound in the global outpouring of anger, solidarity and
opportunistic virtue signaling after the pitiless murder of 46-year-old
George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis ten days ago. Besides the
USA, protests erupted in Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Mexico City,
Montreal, Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Lagos, Tel Aviv and many
other cities.

The main reason is sincere revulsion. The world loves African American
culture. From Muhammad Ali to Michael Jackson,Beyoncé to Barack Obama, this
community of just 40 million generates an astonishingly disproportionate
number of our most cherished icons (for context, that many people would
rank only 12th amongst Indian states, between Odisha and Telangana).

Another factor is the appalling figurehead of Donald Trump. Since the 1970s
reign of Idi Amin in Uganda, no world leader has been more universally
reviled or ridiculed. His tone-deaf bungling of this crisis has shocked and
dismayed almost everyone, including in his own administration.

But in the worldwide stampede to condemnation, there’s also shamelessness,
score-settling, and hypocritical posturing.

Earlier this week, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian declared
“black lives matter, the U.S. government [should] protect and safeguard the
legitimate interests of racial minorities.” This is obvious retaliation for
last month’s US Congress sanctioning of China’s crackdown on (mainly
Muslim) Uighurs, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, with at least one million detained in
Xinjiang “re-education camps.”

Meanwhile, the swift corporate co-opting of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag
has produced a parade of absurdities, like its use by the American football
team Washington Redskins, which itself uses an overtly racist name and

Even worse was the social media paean from New York City’s storied
Metropolitan Opera that “there is no place for racism in the arts. [we
stand] with those raising their voices in support of justice and equality.”
Actually, in its 137 years, The Met has never once performed any black
composer’s work.

This is the crux of the matter, which is structural inequality and racism.
While the record of the United States is certainly disgraceful, it’s even
worse in other countries which profiteered in the trans-Atlantic slave
trade: Portugal, Spain, France, Netherlands and the UK. But these
populations remain in conspicuous denial that #BlackLivesMatter amongst
them too, aided and abetted by blinkered education systems.

South Asia has a complicated, and tangential relationship to anti-black
racism. There were few episodes of “chattel slavery” here, with one
exception being my home state of Goa, where markets for African captives
persisted for centuries under the Portuguese. More prevalent was bonded
servitude of labourers, soldiers and administrators, which sometimes
resulted in elites like the 15th century “Habshi Sultans” of Bengal.

It should be noted that early migrants from the subcontinent to the West
were categorized as black. MIT scholar Vivek Bald’s outstanding *Bengali
Harlem and the Lost Histories of South Asia *recalls “Bengali Muslims
quietly became part of some of America’s most iconic neighborhoods of
color, from Tremé in New Orleans to Detroit’s Black Bottom, from West
Baltimore to Harlem.”

There’s a strong possibility one of these pioneers remade himself into
Wallace Fard Muhammad, who founded the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X was its
most famous spokesman.)

More to the point, a couple of days ago, the great musician-activist-author
(and Magsaysay Award winner) TM Krishna posted on Twitter:
‪#BlackLivesMatter‪, #MuslimLivesMatter, #DalitLivesMatter,
#WomensLivesMatter, #MinorityLivesMatter, #AdivasiLivesMatter.

Pressed to add #AllLivesMatter he refused (that exchange has since been
deleted) saying the elision would have obviated the message.

Of course all lives matter, but that’s irrelevant to systemic
discrimination, and Krishna is entirely correct that South Asian societies
nurture multiple bigotries. Our liberation struggles inspired the world –
including America’s civil rights movement – but left oppressive colonial
police state frameworks intact and functioning

Thus the glaring dissonance when Indians complain about American racism,
while remaining silent about the continuing humanitarian catastrophe
amongst distressed workers, widespread police atrocities against
protestors, and the military clampdown in Kashmir which includes the
longest-ever communications blackout ever imposed in democracy.

Yet, we should also note that changes of heart rarely occur in tsunami
waves, while performative symbolism is always inherently suspect. This is
why the American leaders now lining up to “take a knee” – after condemning
the immensely dignified Colin Kaepernick for years for doing the same thing
- are transparently ridiculous, and prime minister Narendra Modi’s showy
televised “apology” to his fellow Indians for subjecting them to an
ill-conceived draconian lockdown, while changing nothing about the
situation, comes across so mealy-mouthed.

No one can deny that it is in fact distinctly possible this extraordinary
moment for humanity will result in an improved, and less unequal world.

We already know this: the Covid-19 pandemic’s realities have enforced the
core message of Martin Luther King, exactly as written from lockdown in a
Birmingham (Alabama) jail in 1963, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,
tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects
all indirectly.”

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