From: V M vmingoa
Date: 6/4/20 7:34 AM (GMT-06:00).
No one can deny that it is in fact distinctly possible this extraordinary
moment for humanity will result in an improved, and less unequal world.

We already know this: the Covid-19 pandemic’s realities have enforced the
core message of Martin Luther King, exactly as written from lockdown in a
Birmingham (Alabama) jail in 1963, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,
tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects
all indirectly.”--------------------------------------------------

Nice article VM and a great finish - but let me add some other thoughts:

1) There have been hundreds of George Floyd's in the US this century. This 
George Floyd is different only because someone taped the murder.  

2) Capitalism thrives when a capitalist can pay you $x for an hour and extract 
$2x worth of labor from you. When Covid hit the US, workers earning the minimum 
wage (or close to it) were declared essential workers and forced to report to 
work. In that swift stroke, Walmart, MacDonald, Ford dealers, etc. were able to 
get the ok to keep open - as essential services - while mom and pop operations 
could not. The tourniquet applied on small businesses was as effective as the 
restraint used on George Floyd. Let us remember that the largest Covid positive 
groups in the US have been found in the multinational processing meat plants 
i.e. those which have the most densely packed workers.   

3) For one whole week, I watched the Rodney King beating repeatedly on TV. Two 
weeks later everything was back to normal in L.A. and I am half convinced the 
same will happen in a months time. The US media is more interested in reporting 
how much property damage is done at night - than on how discriminatory the 
system is. When the property damage stops, the US media will turn to a 
different subject and police discrimination will continue as usual.  

4) Let us remember that Mandela took up the armed struggle only after he was 
consistently blocked from using legal channels by the authorities. The modus 
operandi of those with privileges has always been to give derogatory labels to 
those with different ideas and then try and sweep them under the rug. 
Sometimes, the fear of property destruction - is the only way results are got.  

5) For the last three years I have been hearing several descriptions on Donald 
Trump. By his own admission, he is a "Stable genius." It is abundantly clear to 
the rest that he is incapable of dealing with this situation. As of now, I am 
actually looking forward to him using the US military against US citizens. 
Lastly, the funniest description I have heard of him - is one identifying him 
as "Bunkerbitch."



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