Covid an opportunity towards unity
In this hour of darkness there is  proverbial light at the end of tunnel  seems 
so true. Lockdown has opened the springs. flood gates  of  genuine kindness and 
generosity, which is cause of happiness  due to release of chemical Oxytocin’s  
. We enjoy being of service ,making lives happy and in turn derive our own 
satisfaction .The greatest joy and happiness is to be   truly   kind towards 
others  by words ,actions ,behaviour and means and covid times have made this 
possible  to be humane  open up from cacoons of selfishness  and usolations
We are now  more disposed and concerned about our family and suddenly it is the 
world. Extending help to senior citizens and elderly. The plight of migrants 
has moved mountains too ,Organisations, individuals, NGO’s helping with food, 
shelter,transport  even by planes tickets Some have paid their maids and others 
their full payment Our thoughts are raised in prayers towards all those 
suffering in this hour of crisis. Few employers  have stretched their 
generosity and even paid extra incentives  , There is conscious efforts to get 
into the shoes of others to  get a feeling ,where it pinches   the most. If 
nothing else we have learnt to share our feelings , thoughts and  resources  
far more than those under normal times .Covid has led to bonding and at the 
same time to be  extra cautious for safety which is but natural ,bordering on 
fear of contagion .At National,  International  level there is greater co 
operation and sharing resources. The world is united across  borders to find 
solutions to end this scourge of pandemic .The world is concerned about 
economic fallout and its effect  on wage earners, daily workers and others  who 
are deprived of income due to shut down  .Stiff competitions to profit has led 
to greater co operation and less exploitation .The world is united to find a 
vaccine and thus save the race of mankind not just Nationals. Aid of all types 
is pouring across borders voluntarily  helping Nations to tide over emergencies 
of  various types. We either live or   sink together   if we do not share and 
co operate. Secrecies  are replaced by  openness.  National pride  is subdued 
by world citizenship concept.
Thus Covid crisis  has led to deepening of human relations at family,   
National   and International level and that is the most positive outcome of 
covid pandemic
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 

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