In the age
of Covid -19
*Mzee* Gando
to go
To the *Zatra*
of the God
of the Bizarre
Lord Shri Vichitra.

There *Mzee*
*Mjinga sana*
I should say
Was a Somebody
Searching for sanity
from among
the gathered *Zatrekars*
Like the bright
Prosore that he is.

First he found
Patron of the pickpocketed
Anton de Padua
In the fiery rain
Who feeling sorry
Warmly and warily
Wryly  but wisely
Whispered, Catlicks
Will be Catlicks.

Then Bwana G
Met Solo D'Lit
Who brush in balti
Sketched *Mzee's* face
On a wall over the legend
*Aiz mhaka f**aleam t**uka.*
Gando* s*creamed:
*Saiba bhogos*! Spare me!
As Solo sloshed away.

Next he went to meet
Magik *Mam*' Marsu
But encountered instead
Acerbic Aunty Alsu
Who came with
*Bhairi* to cure
Nephew Adu
Of delusionitis
Beginning with his *bonku*.

Finally Pro
His A sore visited Anu Anon
*Bhirant dista, Bhirant dista*
Cringed Gando -
Save me from slavery!
P'd off
Anu growled
at Gando: up yours
*Mjinga sana!*

What does Johnny have to say?

Augusto Pinto

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