In the age
of Covid-19

On July 11

Population Day

The Minister said

Aunty Corona

What does Johnny have to say?


On Wed, 8 Jul, 2020, 10:27 PM augusto pinto, <> wrote:

> In the age
> of Covid-19
> A debate raged:
> Are Lives
> More important
> Or are
> Livelihoods ?
> A Powerful
> Money Man said:
> Who cares?
> Money is to be made
> Let's
> Make it.
> What does Johnny have to say?
> Augusto
> On Sun, 21 Jun, 2020, 10:08 PM augusto pinto, <> wrote:
>> In the age
>> of Covid -19
>> On Father's Day,
>> I thought about
>> Marcello Francisco Pinto
>> My father
>> Mad fella
>> Unlike all the
>> Goan Afrikanders
>> Who loved the English
>> And who had
>> Abandoned Konkani
>> To embrace English
>> He advised me
>> In Kenya's
>> Post Independence
>> 60s
>> When I was but
>> a 6 year old
>> To question
>> All my cousins:
>> "Why are you rushing
>> To Britain?"
>> "To lick
>> The arses
>> Of the Whites
>> Isn't it?"
>> On his part
>> He declared:
>> "Mhaka Goenchich
>> Mati zai."
>> He came down
>> To Goa
>> in 1970.
>> He reunited
>> With his beloved
>> Goenchi Mati
>> In 1972.
>> Happy Father's Day
>> Marcel.
>> What does Johnny have to say?
>> Augusto
>> On Sat, 20 Jun, 2020, 6:58 PM augusto pinto, <> wrote:
>>> In the age
>>> of Covid -19
>>> *Mzee* Gando
>>> Decided
>>> to go
>>> To the *Zatra*
>>> of the God
>>> of the Bizarre
>>> Lord Shri Vichitra.
>>> There *Mzee*
>>> *Mjinga sana*
>>> I should say
>>> Was a Somebody
>>> Searching for sanity
>>> from among
>>> the gathered *Zatrekars*
>>> Like the bright
>>> Prosore that he is.
>>> First he found
>>> Patron of the pickpocketed
>>> Anton de Padua
>>> In the fiery rain
>>> Who feeling sorry
>>> Warmly and warily
>>> Wryly  but wisely
>>> Whispered, Catlicks
>>> Will be Catlicks.
>>> Then Bwana G
>>> Met Solo D'Lit
>>> Who brush in balti
>>> Sketched *Mzee's* face
>>> On a wall over the legend
>>> *Aiz mhaka f**aleam t**uka.*
>>> Gando* s*creamed:
>>> *Saiba bhogos*! Spare me!
>>> As Solo sloshed away.
>>> Next he went to meet
>>> Magik *Mam*' Marsu
>>> But encountered instead
>>> Acerbic Aunty Alsu
>>> Who came with
>>> *Bhairi* to cure
>>> Nephew Adu
>>> Of delusionitis
>>> Beginning with his *bonku*.
>>> Finally Pro
>>> His A sore visited Anu Anon
>>> *Bhirant dista, Bhirant dista*
>>> Cringed Gando -
>>> Save me from slavery!
>>> P'd off
>>> Anu growled
>>> at Gando: up yours
>>> *Mjinga sana!*
>>> What does Johnny have to say?
>>> Augusto Pinto

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