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On Sat Jul 7 08:58:27 PDT 2007, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

> If you-guys are serious, try real self-flagellation
> with a knotted rope and kneeling on a bed of nails.

RESPONSE: Arre Patrao, ye kitem?? I don't understand you. Are you now 
propagating violence? Or are you telling us that the macrame worked for you. 
I've been to the corner of Lexington and 34th but am not a member there.

> I hope most writers and readers know when that line is crossed.

RESPONSE: I hope you don't believe what you write. There are different lines 
for the writer and the readers. Some writers push the envelope; those are 
called flame-baits! Those reading don't have to necessarily bite. I believe 
Julian Gonsalves articulated that POV very well this past week. Here it is, 

"May i suggest that we start by impose on ouself a code of conduct EVEN if 
the other party does not. Some of us can stop sending out those vindictive 
messages,,,others can stop reacting to them. We should ignore whats being 
said if its being said in a derogratory manner. What is better than ignoring 
such statements. Just ignore. Do not get provoked. Soon some of us will find 
that its not worth ourwhile to be selfish bigots and maybe we can be 
constructively positive and be of help. Can we try this for a while and can 
the rest of us start to think of positive themes to focus on ?"


Bon Nuit!

- Bosco

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