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Actually not Mr Bhandare.

In this case and in many others, Selma does indeed know what she is
talking about.

The ruling family of the Ibn Sa'oud, are survivors and to survive they
know they must do two things:
Please the USA on whom they totally depend for their survival as a
ruling, even though corrupt, elite.
Keep the fanatical Islamists in the country in check in a balancing
act, for their rule depends on the majority moderate Imams many of
whom can be swayed easily through blackmail or threats to the
fanatical side.

Their ideology is Wah'habi but their motivation is pure money. They
will give to the zealots only when they must but not in a way that the
extremists will have the means to overthrow them. What they give to
the zealots, they pretend to give to Islam even though they know it is
not so and that their giving will be misused. To understand why they
must give, one must understand the genesis of the modern kingdom.

The founding of the Kingdom of Sa'udi Arabia is owed to the brave,
fearless and idealistic Ibn Sa'oud who drove away the rulers of the
Nejd, a corrupt lot, the Hashemites of Trans-Jordan and various
hostile Bedouin tribes whom Ibn Saud needed to turn into his allies.
He could not have done this with without the swords of the followers
of the Wah'abi Imam who was his greatest ally in the formation of the
kingdom and who exacted  from him a pact that when the Kingdom of Ibn
Saud was formed, the Wah'habis would hold first place. Ibn Saud a
devoutly religious Moslem himself needed to convert to the strict
Wah'habi-ism of his Imam, in order to achieve his objectiive to fight
the corrupt regimes of the Nejd, the Rub al Khali and the Hashemites
who controlled Mecca in those days and used the tax on pilgrims as a
revenue for their debaucherous lifestyle.

Never mind that the progeny of the Ibn Sa'oud became ten times more
debaucherous and corrupt then the men their founder-ancestor despised
and was driven to overthrow. Never mind that the Saudi Wah'habis
propagate their brand of Islam to all Moslems who will take their
money. On no account will they advocate the terrorism of the Al
Quaeda, for they know they will be it's eventual victims. Wah'habism
is to anyone who makes an effort to understand it, a strict but not
virulent practice of Islam which requires the devout to conform to a
strict interpretation of the Qu'ran and the Sharia but not to violence
against the non-Moslem except those violating those laws who live in
Moslem jurisdictions.

If you want to make a connection with the fundamentalism of the
Wah'habi and the extremism of the Al Quaeda and their Moslem
terrorists then one must blame the Deobandi School of Uttar Pradesh in
India through which all extremists pass, who have somehow equated
terrorism (equally against Moslem and non-Moslems) with their own
convenient interpretation of Wah'habism.


On 7/3/07, Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Selma's statement about the wahhabis in saudi is pure
> baloney. The saudi elite including the royal family is
> the biggest sponsor of wahabbi/salafi ideolgy, one of
> the most virulent forms of islam

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