Cheating on adhar  card deposits
Govt of India had floated  scheme to issue aadhar card and accordingly
collected deposits from small self employed individuals . The deposits
ranged from 60000. Plus.Fraudulent practices cane to light misusing this
facility meant for ease of obtaining Aadhar card which is mandatory and
people  had to travel distances  and stand in Q s for extended periods
Govt  has now withdrawn  the scheme due  to misuse and abuse of scheme by
few scruplous agents
It is refusing refund of  the deposits    forfeiting under illegal   one
sided clause of  any circimstances..Individual investors  are in no way
responsible for closure of scheme suo muto
Govt agencies are tracking ,   hunting down fraudsters  ,but it is itself
on a spree of  day light robbery with no recourse  for  refund of deposits.
Poor individual investors  are unable to seek redressal on their own to
deal with  Govt fiat of refusal  to refund legitimate deposits
Individuals should be collectively  helped by social  organisations to
Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

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