There is a combine of big business and this government at the cost of  every
citizen especially the middle class and the have nots. Market forces are the
big versus the small and weak, those who cannot afford courts and lawyers or
are not computer savvy or illiterate. Big business have government in their
pocket and the thousands of migrant labor/change in their protective laws
without consulting them or looking after them FIRST before hurting them and
their families and the way they want to live is what the farmers agitation
is now daring to put a stop to reminding the government to protect us
against sharks in business! The police is a service for protection of
citizens NOT a Police Force to be used against them! Goa is blessed to have
a PROVEDORIA government institute and I fail to understand why priority is
not given like it was to CAA, to benevolently with the help of police scour
Goa for people living on the streets/destitute and do the needful ie  care
to find out why they are in this state/condition, get them back to their
State/families with compassion and caring using the mighty government
organization, take help of NGOs etc to do the needful for fellow human
beings. Priority is given to Gaushalas  and snakes/animals etc.

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