Doc,I celebrate almost anything and am usually the first to arrive and last to 
leave any celebration.  

WRT Texas, my friends remind me that they did not cross the border but the 
border crossed them. The same ranch that has been in their family for 
generations, was once in Mexico but now is in the US. 

There still are parts on the Rio Grande where you can walk across 18 inches of 
water to get to the other side. In the deeper parts, you need a mule to carry 
you across. I have done both these types of crossings.  Pure desert and wild 
animals, on both sides, prevents you from going much further. 

As you know, six flags have flown over Texas. Depending on whose version of 
history you are reading, the events are sad or funny. However, there still is 
positive response of 25% when residents here are polled on the succession  
question. Most are Trump supporters or those with little reading and 
comprehension abilities. 

As for the man himself, he will be evicted on Jan 20th. I expect him to be 
indicted before the end of that month. 


On Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 11:55 AM, Adolfo Mascarenhas <> 

Mervyn: Just think of it Robbing Mexicans of their land ....taking all the 
goodies ...I mean oil etc and then having the audacity of announcing that they 
have to build a wall.  Few Days More and the Trumpet Saga will take a new face 
...Will he be tried Adolfo 

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