This "Bizarre Foods"problem is quite well known. The "Video Creator" was Andrew 
Zimmernwho hosted the "Bizarre Foods" series for the Travel Channel.

The "famous" or more likely,Infamous "food critic" Andrew Zimmern made a name 
for himself bybelittling other cultures. After serious complaints the Travel 
Channelfinally discontinued this infamous Zimmern series.

It is quite possible that he knewnot what he was doing, but it had been brought 
to his attention several timesthat this "Bizarre" branding of foods from other 
cultures was totallyunacceptable.


If you ask a vegetarian, anybody whoeats meat from dead bodies is beyond 
bizarre. How about hot dogs? How aboutblood sausage? How about chitlins? How 
about mountain oysters? The list goes onand on. Why is Goan food branded as 


If somebody wants to endorse andpropagate  Andrew Zimmern's campaign to 
disparage other cultures it isfine, but it has to be pointed out that there is 
no place for that in oursociety.


Zimmern "seems" to be a"nice " guy and the show itself was probably, maybe 
mediocre at best.But the belittling of other cultures was totally unacceptable. 
It is possiblethat based on his life experiences he figured everything was 


"Owing to severe drug and alcohol addiction, Zimmernwas homeless for about one 
year. During thisperiod, he survived by stealing purses from cafes and selling 
the contents In1992, Zimmern moved to Minnesota, where hechecked into the 
Hazelden Treatment Center fordrug and alcohol addiction treatment."-wiki




   On Monday, March 1, 2021, 3:15:49 PM EST, Roland Francis 
<> wrote:  
 The tag of bizarre was given by the Video Creator, a very famous food critic 
and commentator, not by me.
Perhaps he wants attention with his series of “Bizarre Foods”. This is just one 
of that series. Having said that, to an outsider certain Goan foods are 
certainly bizarre. I don’t know about you, but in a time ago, I certainly ate 
cooked pork from pigs that fed on human waste.
When I was new to the Arabian Gulf I thought it bizarre when Zi was offered 
camel meat. When I actually ate it, it was better than beef. I even dined on a 
Gator steak on a cruise. You will have your own similar experiences.
Can you blame a non Goan, non Indian calling Goan food bizarre? It’s all in 
one’s mind.

On Mar 1, 2021, at 2:55 PM, E DeSousa <> wrote:

Is there any legitimate reason to tag  Goan Foods as "Bizarre"?Why propagate 
this disparaging of Goan Culture?

FYI Bizarre  definition:"The words fantastic and grotesque are common synonyms 
of bizarre. While all three words mean "conceived, made, or carried out without 
adherence to truth or reality," bizarre applies to the sensationally strange 
and implies violence of contrast or incongruity of combination. a bizarre 
medieval castle in the heart of a modern city"


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