Dear Egas, 

1. Are you trying to belittle the message by shooting the messenger?

2. Wiki has nothing about him intending to denigrate cultures through his food 
videos. That may be an opinion of some sections or even one of his employers 
The Travel Channel.

3. Is anybody’s alcohol and drugs addiction leading to homelessness and street 
living to be held against them. That’s a facile judgement coming from a 
comfortable middle class family person. He redeems  himself with volunteering 
at those shelters. If you used those addiction criteria, work of most 
celebrities would have to be ignored.

4. He has won several awards and prizes for his chef-related achievements. He 
worked along with Anthony Bourdain another renowned chef and TV personality.

5. Meat from dead bodies? That’s a strange statement you make. If by dead you 
mean slaughtered, do you see a problem with that? More than half the world 
doesn’t. If you mean cut up after an animal dies of accident or disease, most 
people don’t use that meat.

6. Hot dogs, blood sausage, chitlins and mountain oysters are as bizarre (or 
not) as some Goan foods, don’t see your point.


> On Mar 1, 2021, at 4:10 PM, E DeSousa <> wrote:
> This "Bizarre Foods" problem is quite well known. The "Video Creator" was 
> Andrew Zimmern who hosted the "Bizarre Foods" series for the Travel Channel.
> The "famous" or more likely, Infamous "food critic" Andrew Zimmern made a 
> name for himself by belittling other cultures. After serious complaints the 
> Travel Channel finally discontinued this infamous Zimmern series.
> It is quite possible that he knew not what he was doing, but it had been 
> brought to his attention several times that this "Bizarre" branding of foods 
> from other cultures was totally unacceptable.
> If you ask a vegetarian, anybody who eats meat from dead bodies is beyond 
> bizarre. How about hot dogs? How about blood sausage? How about chitlins? How 
> about mountain oysters? The list goes on and on. Why is Goan food branded as 
> "Bizarre".
> If somebody wants to endorse and propagate  Andrew Zimmern's campaign to 
> disparage other cultures it is fine, but it has to be pointed out that there 
> is no place for that in our society.
> Zimmern "seems" to be a "nice " guy and the show itself was probably, maybe 
> mediocre at best. But the belittling of other cultures was totally 
> unacceptable. It is possible that based on his life experiences he figured 
> everything was Bizarre?
> "Owing to severe drug and alcohol addiction, Zimmern was homeless for about 
> one year. During this period, he survived by stealing purses from cafes and 
> selling the contents In 1992, Zimmern moved to Minnesota, where he checked 
> into the Hazelden Treatment Center for drug and alcohol addiction 
> treatment."-wiki

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