The Chairmanship of Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation
(GSIDC) is a very sought after position. The Corporation executes
construction works across the State to the tune of hundreds of crores

Surprisingly Chief Minister Pramod Sawant is also the Chairman of this
Corporation, a post he had occupied earlier too.

We cannot expect the Chief Minister to have the time to oversee the proper
functioning of this vital Corporation. It would be proper that a full time
Chairman for GSIDC, preferably a worthy senior retired Engineer is
appointed to ensure quality control in every work being carried out as
shoddy construction activity all over is there for us to see.

And it is surprising that the Chief Minister has announced that he will
also be the Chairman of the Goa Mining Corporation which is being formed.

Maybe by the Chief Minister withholding too much Power in his hands it is
affecting the basic Governance of the State. He could fall between two
stools trying to do two or more different things at once and failing at
all. Swami Vivekananda had advised 'Do one thing at a Time, and while doing
it put your whole Soul into it to the exclusion of all else'.

Doing away with that Red beacon was a good start towards curbing VIP
culture. But much more needs to be done. Why does our Chief Minister have
to be accompanied by an entourage of three Police escort jeeps. Can't he
just move around like his fellow Ministers do. If he cares to do so, Pramod
Sawant would send a right message especially during this raging pandemic
which has enveloped the entire State in deep distress and despair. And it
would be an opportunity for the Chief Minister to get used to moving around
like a common man, something that sooner or later he would have to get used

The most important way to lead people is by example. Setting an example is
the only means of influencing others. Mahatma Gandhi once said 'An ounce of
practice is worth more than tons of preaching'.

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