Dear goannetters
In today's gospel Jesus tries to explain who our neighbour is.Much before Jesus came into this world people had strange gods.The israelites were influenced by various cultures. There were the greek influence, the roman influence and the jewish influence.God was not happy with the people but He did not cease loving them and so He sent Moses to them and gave him the t en commandments. These were shown on two tabloids.One contained three which spoke about the relation of man with God and other contained seven which connected man to man.Still when man went stray God punished man.There was the deluge .But God created Noah and his ark and saved some part of creation.After the heavy flood God was so touched at the destruction that He vowed never to destroy man again.Still man went astray.So this time He sent His only son Jesus.Jesus came to change the way of life .He came to inform human beings that human beings are created by God in His likeness and laws are made for man and not other way.Today God speaks to us.We have the bible which speaks about God.The new testament speaks about the way Jesus loved the world.It is because Jesus cared for human beings he taught them the word of God.We have the four gospels which speaks about what Jesus did when he was on earth.If he could cure the sick, raise the dead and got the demons out from human beings he did it with the Power of His Father.Jesus gave us just two commandments.Love God with your whole heart,and love your neighbour the way Jesus has loved us.Jesus has served other people.He did not allow people to serve him and this he showed at the last super when he washed his disciples'feet.Serving others give you happiness which you cannot measure.Happiness is the feeling one gets when you share with the have nots.God has given you extra because he wants you to think about those who are living below poverty line.There are many people including small children specially the rag pickers who have no shelter,not enough food to fill their stomach. They have never seen certain things of life.The early christians followed this. Even those who were born in the eighteenth and nineteenth century followed this rule.People helped one another and lived honest life. Each one trusted the other one .There were less cases in the court,less complaints at the police station, less robberies,practically no murders. Today the number has increased by 100 percent.

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