The kind i went to in Bombay, at a cost of ten rupees a month, four decades ago, would be called a "Prep" school here in the US, and tuition would run around ten thousand dollars a year : one pays around four thousand at a smaller parochial school. The tax on homes, an average five thousand a year, supports the public school system. Catholics levy on themselves the added heavy capital and maintenance costs of their own parallel system. Writing in a different context, i once claimed that our institutions were built by ' Vatican ' funds, a hundred years ago, ( mine in 1864 ), with the source of the funds being the urban-ghetto Irish and Italians of north America, who when they did find work, did so for a dollar a day ! Their kin taught my father and mother, 1920 - 1930, in Bombay and Karwar, for no pay at all !! The priests in Bombay were actually from lower Germany and Barcelona. I have a brother who, sadly, has never found the time to send a cheque to charity, and is vacationing this week in Alaska, at twenty thousand dollars : they only fly business. The trip to a NY wedding, in May, was another fifteen thousand. The new Mercedes, 100K, will ease the the passage from ' last agony' to heaven. My father had paid paid off some of his debt : he returned to Goa and taught at the struggling St. Thomas school in Aldona for no pay, in 1924. eric.

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