Dear Frederick

There is good reason all religious fundamentalists should be shipped to another 
planet. The RSS
does not need Goanet to feed its propaganda, people like M C Mathew were in the 
news, including
warrants for his arrest. Bhandare does not take his anti-Muslim, anti-Catholic 
views from what is
posted on Goanet, there is enough Hinduvta hate material out there, along side 
anti-Jew, anti-name your religion/philosophy material too.  

I don't know how many missionaries who "get a raw deal" were violent, compare 
that to recent RSS
history. I think it is instructive to have Bhandare on this d-list to see the 
RSS line of
thinking. The book he quotes is thought to be in response to another 
anti-secular, anti-religious
book by a late RSS leader ("A Bunch of Thoughts" by M. S. Golwalkar). As we 
have come to realize
religious fundamentalists and anti-secular forces are trying to outdo each 

Secular people may yet prevail. We can only hope. It is 2007 and we are killing 
each other over
religion. So much for human "progress".


--- "Frederick [FN] Noronh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bhandare. You're priceless. Where did you find this guy? Is your
> agenda to search for sources of conflict? 

> On 14/07/07, Bhandare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The following are excerpts from a evangelical
> > publication called Haqeeqat (The Reality) written by M
> > C Mathew, and published by Dr D M Thomas and Samuel
> > Thomas of Emmanuel Literature Society.

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