Cattle speedbreakers
The cattle nuisance on NH17 and other District roads and state High ways
are posing danger to life and limb. If there are no owners of these
animals, let loose in hordes , they need to be confiscated
The cattlepounds and gaushala  have not remedied this problem due to space
and financial viability.The Govt cannot be expected to incur expenditure on
animals on these orphaned animals
Many a precious life has been lost  and major damage suffered by vehicle
It is the responsibility to the road tax payers and users to provide safety
.Sometimes they serve useful purpose  as speed breakers for the rash
 ,negligent  speeding motorists
Animal welfare rules  of  not sending to slaughter houses cannot take
precedence over human welfare Rules  need to be modified with stringent
fines,imprisonment for the owners ,who let loose this menace
Besides many a paddyfield cultivation is left fallow due to the invasion of
cattle feasting on cultivated crops.Govt subsidy on fencing on a vast scale
is not feasible option of choice as the component  borne by tenants is not
attractive proposition and the cumbersome procedure for necessary sanction

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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