Domnic's Goa Appreciation

Recently, through the kindness of Mr. Domnic Fernandes and through the good offices of Mr. Gaspar Almeida of Kuwait, I received a copy of the much sought-after book by courier service entitled 'Domnic's Goa.A nostalgic romp through a bygone era'.

It has been correctly said that Domnic Fernandes is the Internet's find as I too found him through the internet. I think it must have been some time in 2004, that I read one of his articles on Goanet.

That article really got me interested in the Goa of old of which, we who live outside Goa, had only heard of from our relatives and elders.and that too in a very cursory manner.

Thus, the captivating articles in the book have a special and lingering fascination for non-resident Goans and make them take to the internet to delve into the history and culture of Goa. One wonders at the great prowess of the author's mind to remember in such great detail incidents and occurrences of that bygone time.

Goa, like it is commonly said, is a state of mind.and Domnic's book transports the reader into that frame of mind.

His attention to detail, his clarity of thought and his use of simple words gives the reader, no matter what his age, a deeper understanding of how the Goans of a generation ago and in Portuguese times lived.

Yes, it was not all hunky, dory .there were hardships, illnesses, superstitious beliefs, a different way of doing things.but that was also a timeless, happy era.there was no hurry to get from one place to another, to get home for a TV program, there was no time restrictions on get-togethers be it for any occasion. Above all there was serenity and peace. There were no boundaries and the entire village formed one big family which extended help to each other whenever required without a thought of repayment.

This was the Goa, most of us DID NOT know. This was a Goa which was forgotten. This was the Goa that was buried in the recess of the minds of even those who lived through that era.

It is through Domnic's book, that this Goa has been resurrected and immortalized for all times to come.for those living in this lovely, golden land and those settled in far away lands, but still want to have a link with the motherland.

Domnic is perhaps one of the few Goan writers who peppers his articles with the liberal use of Konkani, the much forgotten mother-tongue of the Goan people. However, to the present generation, the English translation that follows is a boon to learners the language. And to those Konkani speakers this unique way of writing heightens the pleasure of reading.

The editing and layout of the book is good and uncluttered and the illustrations by Domnic Cordo compliment the flavor of the writings. I would, here, also, like to appreciate the excellent efforts of Mr. Frederick Noronha and Mr. Cecil Pinto which made 'Domnic's Goa' see the light of day.

When I met Mr. Domnic Fernandes personally in January this year while on holiday on Goa, I was surprised by the simplicity and humility of this great son of Goa who through his writings is doing a great service to Goa and Goan society. I pray that he will carry on serving the cause of Goa for many, many years to come.

The articles in the volume cover a large number of topics and each one has the reader spellbound and as one reaches the end of the book, the mind ...and the heart cries out for more.

I trust that this is only volume one and a sequel will soon follow.

Michael Ali

Karachi, Pakistan

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