Mogal Selma bhai, 
Kitlem sobit posts boroita!  Tuven boroilolem aum zaitem vaztam. 

Thanks to you and Google for researching the research.  Are you saying, we are 
presenting some one's research on this topic without providing reference?

Are you suggesting: What some claim as "configurations of the electrical 
activity of the brain", has already been:

Presented by some Greek philosopher in about 500 BCE, as "an opinion", (see 
below for reference) and 

Repeatedly passed down by Christian theologists as "another fluffy ideology", 
with each generation of theologians giving us a 'New and Improved' version of 
the fluff; 

And now, regurgitated by theist and atheist scientists as "objective scientific 
facts" and massaged as "an intellectual upheaval"?:=)) 

That certainly calls for an additional 50 million dollars in grant money to 
pursue this 'latest breakthrough'.  

So, "It would be mighty interesting to see how our religious institutions, 
theistic and atheistic ideologies, and legal and political systems react to 
it."?  Or more likely, would it be a Greek mauxi saying, "What's new?" :=))

Kind Regards, GL

Ref from Wikipedia: The origins of the term and understanding for the term 
Monad historically have their roots in the Hellenic philosophical teachings of 
Pythagoras.  Monad derives from the Greek word μόνος or Monos meaning single 
and without division.

------------------ Carvalho  

Those interested in this topic, can google Monism and Dualism, suffice it to 
say Dualists believe that a sense of self exists outside of the body. 
The fact is, man throughout the ages has been conscious of a sense of self 
distinct from his physical being. This sense of self manifests very early and 
can be noticed in children even as young as two. 
Until, it is decidedly proven one way or another, despite Santosh's enthusiasm, 
Monism remains an opinion just as Dualism does.
  • R... Carvalho
    • ... Santosh Helekar
      • ... Carvalho
        • ... Santosh Helekar
          • ... Carvalho
            • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... allwyntc
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence
    • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Gilbert Lawrence
      • ... Carvalho
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
      • ... Santosh Helekar
        • ... George Pinto
    • ... Sunith Velho
    • ... Bosco D'Mello
    • ... allwyntc

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