And we wonder how Islamist terrorists became brave as well as foolish enough to 
take their own lives as well as those of their victims.

After all, there were many practitioners of this deadly art that went before 

The Japanese samurai warriors and kamikaze pilots who did it for their emperor.

The Palestinian suicide kidnappers who did it to preserve their lands.

The Irish Republican Army who did it to get rid of the British Army and their 
Protestant sympathizers in Northern Ireland.

The Tamil Tigers who swallowed cyanide pills, exploded their vests while 
embracing Indian Army officers, blowing themselves up in city crowds and among 
rival Tamil groups just do they could carve out their own state.

And now we have killers of the Taliban and Islamic State who have countless 
reasons for doing it:
Killing other Muslims like Shias and Yazidis.
Revenge on American invaders.
Getting rid of Arab despots. 
Turning the Middle East into an Islamist Caliphate
Just because of prolonged constipation.
Who knows.


> On Dec 7, 2021, at 5:03 AM, Adolfo Mascarenhas <> wrote:
> Today is Pearl Harbour Day ...In 1941 Japanese Kamikaze Pilots flying 
> Mitsubishi.wooden planes attacked Pearl Harbour ..More than 2000 Americans 
> died ....the Japanese war machine moved into Malaysia, Burma  ...It dragged 
> the US into World War 2 ....and the war ended and heralded the Nuclear age 
> .....
>  Several Goans died when ships were torpedoed in the Indian Ocean ....My 
> father safely got to Dar ...My Mother and brother followed in the next ship.  
> So lets say a prayer for all those who perished/ RIP
> Grandolfo 

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