First it was the UK and the US. Scholarships were plenty, admission processes 
were liberal and there was a plethora of opportunities to overstay and get 
eventually regularized.

Then Australia entered the game. This time it was to make money for the 
educational institutions which needed funds to expand their faculties. Indian 
students were happy to oblige. They got a foreign degree, albeit at a much 
higher price and that helped job prospects back home. The ones who outdid in 
their studies got into the immigration system. After all which country doesn’t 
want new blood, youth educated at their own expense and clever ones at that.

Then racism in Australia got the Indians infuriated. At the same time Canada 
muscled onto the turf. Tuition fees were much lower than the southern 
neighbour, no racism, a big Indian population in the cities to befriend and 
here’s the big draw - studies followed by work permit, followed by permanent 
residence. Which intending young man or woman could ask for more.

Meanwhile the Canadian governments saw this to their advantage. They decreased 
their funding to the post secondary schools which became overly dependent on 
this source of funding.

Here’s that story.

The government has concerns over Ontario colleges' reliance on international 
student tuition.


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