As more and more employees leave for greener pastures in the current hot 
employment climate, the Exit interview may give way to the Stay interview. 
Basically “we need you more than your new company does”.

Exit interview, meet 'stay interview'
Updated 10 hours ago
Scores of people are leaving jobs for greener pastures. That's a lot of exit 
interviews. While the Great Reshuffle is upon us, and looks to continue well 
into 2022, a new kind of interview is growing in popularity: the "stay 
interview." It's a conversation not focused on reasons for quitting, but 
rather, CNBC Make It writes, why workers are staying put. It's part of an 
effort to "dial up retention efforts during record turnover." They can help 
managers understand their employees' goals and how organizations can ensure 
they're "thriving and staying enthusiastically."

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