Why should we vote?

Democracy  a  system, the QUEEN of political beauty ,
Voting is   citizen's sacred  right , duty,
Vote to usher in   difference   a  , new change
Not  to be enticed  ,lured in exchange .

Change a best  hope with new party and face ,
Retaining over years, old garbage is disgrace ,
Permanent allegiance, loyalty to both  must end
Enough is enough  a clear message need to send.

Politics is  business,  profession of enormous gain ,
Qualifications ,experience ,age  no criteria main ,
Position,  power, perks , attracts  like  bees to honey ,
Avowed desires to amass wealth  and money.

Politicians change parties at sweet will  ,
Goa is a model in  this unique political skill,
Defection for development  in  voters interest they state  ,
It is personal enrichment by switching their hidden  taste.

Two terms  only make their last page,
60 years  for all  be  the retirement  age,
Discard those frequently  jumping parties wall,
Family Raj, criminals ,corrupt be made to fall.

Vote for qualified youth to be employed  extend dole,
Social schemes of  appeasement burn  a hole,
Rising prices, , safety of women , and intolerance,
Vote to select people of integrity  not  nignorance .

Vote those who constantly public issue raise,
Candidates  with education,  character , passion need praise,
Shun Candidates watching the Assembly  the show.
Question hour tiatrics , walk outs ,best they know.

Vote out   those who  revel to inaugurate, Preside or raise toast,
Weigh past   ,present  social records   and empty boast,
Monumental  assets  ,desires to accumulate  financial gain,
Vote to send a message it is time up ,end  to remain.

Vote not to repay personal ,petty favour ,
Judge the  continuous efforts  and fruitful  labour,
When promises and manifestos , dead remain
 What guarantees  Assurances  to be fulfilled  if elected again

Losing is the only threat and anxiety they fear
Once elected acts as kings  ,future prospects secure
 For any favour, service ,   plead at their feet
Arrogantly  avoid,  explain inability to meet

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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