Hi Cornel,

Now that it is summer, and the day starts early, I sometimes open my e-mail 
before I head to work.  I do so with an expectation, "what am I going to read 
now that will 'make my day'?"  So I open what Bosco (God bless him) has put 
together in the Goanet digest.  This morning I read your post addressed to me 
on this thread. The important points that stuck in my mind, are reproduced 

The main reason for writing this post, I could not understand your reference to 
Dr. Eric Pinto; and what exactly you had in your files about his writings.  It 
sounds like you had some of his writings in "an unguarded moment" with which 
you could 'blackmail' him.  Frankly, it is below your dignity to quote 
someone's writings outside the specific context it was written. If you cannot 
make your points with current material, you are wasting your and our time. 
Believe me, it is not worth to research anything about another Goanetter.  
Nothing that we write is that important that it needs to be saved for future 
reference / use.  With your intellectual stature (and I mean it), you are 
serving as a very poor role model to the likes of some, who we will not 
mention, who have taken retrieving and using old posts to a new art-form.
On a lighter note, as I took the scenic drive to one of my satellite clinic, 
enjoying the greenery of the Adirondacks (mountains) and the crisp fresh cool 
breeze making 60 mph (100 km/h); I thought of your other 'take home message'.  
I smiled to myself saying, "this mutual admiration of our dialogue on Goan 
caste is like the picture of two bebdos animated in coversation.  And if they 
do not have company, they will just talk to themselves."  Good luck as you 
shoot the breeze.:=))
Regards, GL

----------- Cornel wrote:

Re Eric Pinto, ... I have his views (written by himself) on his caste position 
deriding other Goans, in clearly, an unguarded moment of his on Goanet. 

I hope this will not be your last post on these issues --- you too have a long 
way to go to renounce and denounce the evil of caste among Catholic Goans.

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