Putin , Russia lost  prominence
The massive  armed  invasion has no parallel  in modern times.The first
teason was  being surrounded by NATO,  then Ukraine was neither a member
nor till date .The alibi that Russian population  is not justified on the
basis of numbers is incorrect . There is no internal revolt nor Ukraine
has  launched even a covert attack on Russia or acted provocatively
The military might  has pulverised infrastructure .killed innocent people
and resorted to mass killings
UNO has failed to tame Russia.Nations like India have abstained in voting.
Others have used Veto to stall the will of UNO.
The crossing of sovereign borders and annexation by a sham referendum is
disgusting precedent
China has done similarly and quietly, but India is in denial mode adopting
diplomacy .The idea that the west is indirectly providing arms  that
escalates the war is untenable.Desperate Russia facing reverses, loss of
man and equipmen and international reputation. The attack on bridge in
Crimea has not been proved. It is a mere conjecture for Putin to reign in
missiles attacking civilian targets
Russia by its expanist action and military might is setting a bad precedent
for China,  Noth Korea to act likewise sensing impitency of world powers.
There is an  exodus of Russians due to enlisting  of men to  secure control
of annexed provinces
Those protesting are imprisoned for 15 years Russia is repressing its own
citizens for expressing dissent
The third world war with tactical nuclear weapons may be an dangerous
option for a desperate  Putin to salvage his  personal  lost lpride   and
glory , pre military operation
Putin using gas and hydrocarbons to bend world order and economic
strangulation.The war has taken longer than expected creating a huge
refugee problems and environmental degradation of unprecedented magnitude
The detremination and zeal of Ukrainians  to take on the might of Russians
is admirable and courageous
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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