A few observations as I head back to Iceland.

1) I am among the less-than-handful of Goans extremely fortunate to have
been able to maintain a frequent and significant physical presence in Goa
despite having a primary residence abroad. This arrangement of having my
feet firmly planted non-trivially in two worlds is a rarity and I thank God
for the mercy, for granting this sustenance for over 25 years now.

Naturally, that I am able to pull this off rankles Woke malcontents like
Frederick Noronha. Doubly because it has allowed me to have my ear to the
ground in Goa and to remain current. After all, the usual profile of the
visiting non-resident Goan is that of the parties-attending
gala-time-having dude before his 2 weeks are up. The next excursion will be
4 years from now.

Shri Noronha recently questioned my spending time in Iceland doing
photography in that glorious corner of the world. As usual Frederick fired
a blank and it gave me the opening to place things on record on Goanet -


Mind you, when I spent 2 continuous years in Goa from 2006-2008, Shri
Noronha couldn't accuse me of spending time elsewhere. So what did he do
then? Why, he resorted to the old maid wink-wink-nudge-nudge schtick. There
were insinuations about how I was a secret Manohar/BJP/RSS plant and
aspersions cast on my teaming up with like-minded people in service of Goa.

With the Fredericks of this world, if you do X, their retort will always be
"but why isn't he doing Y ?" and because "if he ain't doing Y there must be
something nefarious going on." Pure self-projection onto others.

2) Several years ago after the post-2012 Manohar Parrikar debacle, I was
clear in my assessment that Goa is done for. El finito. It is therefore
perplexing to find people still flogging "Save Goa." Mostly these are local
grifters, trying to suck the last rupee out of suckers. And then there are
the local Wokes trying to give bhaile Wokes a reason to attach themselves
to Goan affairs. As I once wrote, the day the last square inch of Goa is
paved over we'll have Digambar Kamat and Churchill Alemaio on Azad Maidan
staging a hunger strike to save Goa's environment.

There is nothing left to save in Goa, overflowing with concrete, run over
by Delhi pigs and ghatis and assorted Indians from all over seeking refuge
from their toilet-towns. Mining is likely to resume with even greater force.

Dear Goans, conserve your energy and continue on with yogic equanimity.
Maybe after the Big Crunch, in Universe 2.0 we'll get another shot at this.

I'll be back in Goa (soon).



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