Hail  Republic of India

The dreams of Indians  are  enshrined in the document called Constitution
It is a guide as to how India will be governed and spells our rights and
duties of every citizen specially the Executive .Judiciary and Legislature
With passage of time  and selfish interests these borders  of separation
are getting blurred.Interpretation of this document is bone of contention
attempting not only to usurp  and abrogate power  to misuse it.
Emergency has been cited as a classical example to undermine
Constitution.But in recent times much worse is in vogue without using the
word emergency
One wonders whether the age old wisdom Govt of the people for the People by
the people is substituted by Govt of politicians by politicians for
In the independent India politicians are the reigning King's akin  to pre
Independent India.India has made rapid strides since then but even now
drinking water ,Health ,Education, housing, food and clothing  the basic
necessities are a far cry waiting to be aressed as basic priorities. On
the other hands our politicians are fannig their own nest with all
facilities, perks ,.  luxuries and even pensions for a day in office Pay as
emoluments not subject to tax and exceeding many times limit of exemption
permitted by income tax act   India of today is built by sweat and brow of
all Indians irrespective of caste and  creed , except those traitors who
stayed aloof but  now claim a piece of cake with gross  indifference of
activecparticipation  in freedom strufggle
Indifference  , isolation , revenge,  hatred imputing motives to tear
apart  secular fabric and target
 specific communities will never complete the dream of secular India as was
envisaged by our forefathers
The poor are increasing and rich are on the top of pyramid of wealth and
People are being fed with slogan diet and rosy economic status but
unemployment , women security are poor indicators.The priorities are
temples  building of monuments. Vistas  and statues at an enormous cost to
the exchequer Much has been done but much more remains to be done
Promises and speeches glorifying Republic will not feed those that are
marginalised The price  escalation of food .petrol gas etc is breaking back
of the poor The rights of liberty , free speech etc are slowly eroded.Once
the sacred vote is cast it is free  for all that appears to be democracy of
future.The brute majority may lead to more curbs and eventuality may
transform Democracy to another level
Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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