The constitution of India is a guide
Legislators and citizens must abide
Superiority of Executive  to Constitution  not an  issue to decide
By misinterpretation  let not Nation divide

Ever since its adoption  it has well served
To live  by  and respect it  well deserved
The preamble  is clear and tested  and observed
Sanctity  of our constitution at all costs   must be conserved

By the people, of the people, for the  people  is the norm
By politician, of politician, for politician  not the other form
Legislators swear by
 constitution to uphold
Even though desires, temptations be manifold

The Nation  must take everyone  along to   progress
Their aspirations. needs to address
Indifference ,hatred of communities   to avoid  is best
Equality,   rights to  guarantee everyone  is the test

India is Nation with  diverse religions, languages  and caste
Cultural differences,  custom traditions are vast
India cannot be appropriated by Hindutwa Brigade
In the community of Nations a step retrogade

Slogans, monuments, statues is not priority and need
The countless unemployed  below  poverty line must attend and feed
Water  ,health , Education   electricity  a priority indeed
Patriotism .Nationalism  to test is not agreed

Our Leaders must think about India  as a whole
To protect ; guard  the  Nation their role
Not to promote party interest and  elections win
Strictly observe  constitutional rights and duties , a step to beguin

When the last Indian can feel proud
It is a moment for celebration and  to speak loud
 Unemployment  ,girl foeticide, rising prices a cover of  a dark cloud
When basic needs are provided  and met
The Nation grows and develops without regret

After 70 years do Citizens of India  rejoice
Life a drudgery  , a pain with no better choice
Citizens  shall rejoice  to be accepted with merit
Not deprived with cast religion,  affiliation of party credit

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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