Demonetisation nightmare

The lightening and surprising move of demoneetisation  took Indians
unawares.Did it serve the purpose of death knell  for counterfeit currency
and strike  at the roots of terrorists the avowed aim.?.In all accounts
both continue to flourish with imputinity with little or no impact.The pain
and agony has been for ordinary citizens .They stood in lines for days and
hours  , died of exhaustion to withdraw a paultry amount a day.Those that
exchanged crores of rupees from the comforts of their homes and even at
midnight on the day of announcements  had the last laugh.Special permission
had to  be   sought for weddings and receptions beyond permissible limits.
Experienced and wise economists  and past Govt .had  exercised refrained
contrary to   the wisdom of the Govt  under the garb of consultations.There
has never been public declaration about return of amount, unaccounted money
in circulation  and costs of reprinting and distribution.All that we know
is  that the black money has turned beautifully  colourful.Trade and
economy  has been shattered ,devastated  and  taken a beating by this
regressive, ill-advised decision.While Rs 1000 notes were withdrawn Rs 2000
notes were pressed into circulation .England the highest  denomination
note is 50 Pounds and dollar is 100. The   undeclared objectives and
reasons  then and now  were ostensibly    to hit circulation of cash that
  easily influence voters.Exchange of crores continued silently under
suspicious clauses and will also continue  even after deadline of 30 Sept.23
It was definitely an unwise move that caused agony and torture to Indians
holding legitimate small amounts .
Hope a day in future will have collectors demand for the rare Rs 1000  and
Rs 2000 notes.

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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