Mahatma Gandhi is the most revered, non controversial  political figure of
India .His popularity spans across Nations  where he is publicly  honoured
by raising his  monuments .
He is rightly called the father of Nations and as the mark of respect his
image is embossed  on Indian currency notes. He is called the Apostle of
peace who  brought down the mighty British  Empire by resorting to non
violence..He has admitted  influence of reading  Bible .Subhas  Chadra Bose
was opposed to him by use of military force. to achieve same goals.He
advocated  the emancipation of Harijans and was of the view that progress
must touch  the last men in India .His idea of basic  Education has not
been taken seriously and also  filip to cottage industry . He has been
accused of Dividing the  Nation and allotting  their share of
resources.Even after creating Pakistan.the blood bath that followed on
either side of the divide  is unimaginable ..It was unfortunate that a
harmless person was murdered by a fanatic with  adherence to a particular
ideology and uttered his last breadth with HE RAM .It is a sad commentary
and shame  that his assassin is glorified , adored by devoting a temple in
his  honour.Till date Pakistan being separate Nation is constantly at war
with India and imagine the consequences if  it was to remain as united
India.The ideas and principles which he propagated  are not adhered to in
spirit. The concept of celebrating his memory associated with cleanliess
day  does not elevate him .Whatever happened to  the movement of swatch
Bharat for which enormous funds are  being raised.Mahatma Ghandhi was
honest in needlessly experimenting with truth at an advance age  after
embracing celibacy.He largely  ignored the impact and feelings of his wife
in his decision
Indians and history will always reserve a high place of honour  for his
freedom struggle devoid of position and power   as a reward
Nelson LopesChinchinim.

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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