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Hi Albert,
You said,
Are RSS not made of flesh and bones and have the same thing as the priest have ?
REPLY: Then why are they causing disturbance in Mumbai every day?
destroying peoples property and stoning the police and the public?

RSS and catholics are they made of different chemicals?
REPLY: No albert, it is not Chemistry we are talking about on Goanet.
It is the attitude and the mentality of RSS people.
Are your chemicals in the right place?

Stop grumbling and throwing mud on each other for silly reason.
REPLY: Yes, it is easily said than done. Mumbai police and the public
had stones thrown at them NOT MUD.
Are your different chemicals wired properly?

Appreciate what has been done on humanitary grounds.
REPLY: I beg your pardon! What has been done on humanitarian grounds?
I missed that one. Is that what we were arguing on Goanet all along
for so many days, were you looking for parking place in Mapuca all
along? or are you selective in your chemical thinking.

Here I have sent a sos to all my brothers specially to the so called
Roman catholics that a hindu lady poor widow needs help as her house
is broken down in the rains. Is there a single catholic ready to put
the yoke on your shoulder and try to get help for her ?Will those who
are trying to find fault with the RSS please draw a plan to rehabilate
this poor widow
REPLY: Here again you are selective in your chemicals.
There are self declared RSS supporters on this net as well, you know!!
Albert, why have you singled out "so called Roman Catholics"? do they
produce gold chains from thin air? or regurgitate golden eggs from
their stomach like Sahi Baba; you keep thinking of parking place in
mapuca when you should be concentrating on the overall picture of what
is discussed on Goanet.

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